Stainless steel Y-filters and Tubular filter - wort filter
All-stainless and sanitary type Y filters are mainly used for filtering liquids in which solid particles are present, to protect pumps, plate heat exchangers and other equipment. Y liquid filter can be installed in both vertical and horizontal piping.
For shutdown during cleaning, it is advantageous to install the filter on the bypass or install a shut-off valve before and after the filter. When cleaning the filter, the sieve part is unscrewed. The strainer is removed and rinsed with a jet of water. We recommend preserving the fittings with Loctite 8105 grease.
Most common areas of Y- filter application:
Winery, breweries, dairy industry, beverage industry, food processing, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Vinařství, pivovarnictví, potravinářský a nápojový průmysl, chladírenství, vodohospodářské aplikace, chemický průmysl atd.